
About Jewel Caraway

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About Jewel Caraway

My name is Jewel, and welcome to my site! I started it to help people find out more about family law and divorce attorneys after my own experience. I have to tell you--getting a divorce is never pleasant, but sometimes it's the only option. I won't go into details, but in my old marriage I just had to get me and my kids out. But the legal stuff was a pain to deal with. Not to say it wasn't worth it, but it was definitely hard to navigate. Divorce papers, the custody battle--if you don't have a guide and a good lawyer, it is so difficult. So the purpose of this site is to help you work the system. Good luck making a better life for yourself!

3 Ways You’Ll Benefit When You Schedule An Appointment With A Truck Accident Lawyer After A Head-On Crash

Head-on truck crashes are devastating and can leave you with life-altering injuries. After the incident, you may also not know what to do, especially when it comes to legal matters. However, if you want to increase your chances of obtaining a fair settlement, you should consider working with a truck accident lawyer. These professionals will bear the legal burden on your behalf and help you navigate its challenging procedures. Keep reading to find out why you should schedule an appointment with them after a head-on collision: Read More 

Importance Of Legal Help When Seeking Justice After Being Bitten By A Dog

Pursuing payments for bodily harm caused by a dog is usually complicated. This is especially so if the wrongdoers are unwilling to take responsibility for the losses. Also, you may not get all the payments you deserve regardless of presenting a strong case against the dog owner. For these reasons, it is highly recommendable that you enlist a legal advisor's services when seeking justice after a dog attack. They will negotiate for you or litigate the matter in court if the insurance carrier is unwilling to offer you the payment you need. Read More 

3 Corporate Elements That Need You To Seek A Professional Business Litigation Lawyer’s Assistance

Running a company is not an easy task. If you're a business owner, you have to manage your employees, protect your company's reputation and ensure your clients get the services they need. You also have to deal with the legal intricacies of your company and comply with your industry's regulations. If you don't have a legal background, doing all these tasks can be difficult, and you may put your company at risk. Read More 

Why A Personal Injury Attorney Is Better Than Internet Research

When some people are injured in an accident or by another party, they can be reluctant to hire a personal injury attorney. They may believe that an attorney is not worth the cost or that they can do the necessary research on their own. Unfortunately, the web is not the best place to get information pertaining to your specific case. There are many reasons why a personal injury attorney is better than researching your case online. Read More 

How Does A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Negotiate Your Settlement?

After an injury at work, the biggest question is how much compensation should one claim. Workers' comp benefits can include medical expenses, income replacement, and vocational rehabilitation. However, you must submit a claim to the workers' compensation insurance provider for your employer in order to be eligible for these payments. After reviewing your claim, the insurance provider will determine whether to make you a settlement offer. To make sure you get a fair amount, you need a workers' compensation lawyer. Read More